Motes Design

Hey girl,

I see you over there working so hard to market your business only to feel like you can never attract the right client.

You know the client I’m talking about. 

Your DREAM client. *cue the angelic chorus*

You know they exist, but how do you find them? 
You built a website in hopes they would find you, but no one showed up.
You wrote a blog post, but all you hear is crickets. (*tap tap* is this thing on?)

You’re missing out on your dream client and you know your website and marketing is part of the problem.

Sara Motes Sitting with Planner
Sara Motes Website Design

Enter, Sara

I design websites with your dream client in mind.

I’ve spent time learning how to design websites to attract your dream clients so you can spend more time serving them instead of finding them.

I’m a girl who loves helping women grow their businesses and making friends while I’m at it. (Heads up: my clients become my friends.) I thrive off of setting goals, creating to-do lists, then conquering them both.

It’s my passion to help get your business (aka passion) in front of the right people online so that you can focus on serving them well.

Sara Motes Pinterest Strategiest at a desk
Truthfully, I never thought this would be my future.

Let’s take a look back at the fresh-outta-college 21 year-old Sara. I immediately landed a job that I loved as a UX/UI digital media designer (read: I specialized in designing websites that not only looked great, but were easy for the target market  to use as well). 

During my years of working I received a lot of emails from friends who were starting small businesses that needed help building their websites. They didn’t know where to start.  So I helped them out and I watched their businesses grow as a result. It was so rewarding! 

Then, like any goal-chasing, highly-motivated enneagram 3, my side-hustle quickly turned into my full time business when I launched Motes Design in 2018.

Ya wanna know what really makes my day?

Clients seeing results like this.

If we’re gonna be friends, you should know: 

  • I live in a small town in northwest Oklahoma with my hubs, Jacob, and my two ever-growing little boys.
  • I have great aspirations to read books, but I have a hard time remembering to sit down and actually read.
  • I love Jesus and strive to bring Him glory with this business.
  • I bought a house with way too much landscaping. Now I’m learning to love gardening (are gardening and landscaping the same thing? Please advise.)
  • People often presume that because I am tall, I am therefore athletic. This is false. 
  • I am a paper planner person. I am almost never without it. 
  • I LOVE iced chai lattes.
Sara Motes with Coffee

Are we a match made in marketing heaven?

You bring your expertise, passion, and that jumbled mess of big dreams in your head.

I’ll bring my mind-reading abilities to sort through all your jumbled thoughts to create a beautiful, effective website. (Note: Okay, so God did not give me the spiritual gift of mind reading. But I have invented a pretty solid system to sort through all your ideas.). 

TOGETHER, we can create a website that speaks to all the right people.

Sound like a plan?

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