Motes Design

September 11, 2021

2 Things You Should Know About Fresh Pins On Pinterest

Around 7 am my coworker Michael showed up. Michael was the type of guy who was ALWAYS awake and happy. I never saw him have a bad day. He walks into work with a pep in his step, smiles at me and says, “Hey Sara! Stay fresh!”


My 7am brain was confused. How does one “stay fresh”? Did he mean fresh breath? Did I forget to brush my teeth??

Ends up it’s just a cooler way to say, “stay awesome”.

Fast forward through college graduation, a career, and a couple of kids and I start hearing Pinterest talk about “fresh content”.

What does Pinterest mean by “fresh content?”

There’s two levels of fresh content that Pinterest prefers. The first being the most obvious and the most important.

1. New Content With A Fresh Pin Image

Fresh content means totally brand-spankin’ new content that has never been published before. When you create a new blog post, Youtube video, podcast, or any other piece of new content, that’s fresh content. This is what Pinterest wants from you right now.
Fresh Pin means the actual pin image has to be new. If you’ve been using the same pin templates over and over again for months, stop. It’s time to make something new.
This is also a great time to bust out those brand shots you had done and use those images instead of stock photos that EVERYONE AND THIER MOTHER are using across Pinterest and social media.
Pinterest wants you to be unique! People are tired of seeing the same thing over and over again. Come up with some new content and pair it with some fresh pin designs.

2. Old Content With Fresh Pin Image

If you have a blog post or other piece of content that performed REALLY WELL, then create new pins for it! Create new pins using fresh and unique images and new pin layouts that you haven’t used before. Start dripping out those pins on Pinterest to get traction on older blog posts. Pro tip: this is a great thing to do for your seasonal content!

Pinterest exists to serve its users. People don’t want to see the same old pins recirculating every time they’re on the app. They want to see new content from their favorite content creators (you!). Creating fresh content with fresh pins will help you win in your Pinterest strategy.

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