How to get Authentic, Powerful Client Testimonials
My husband and I are not naturally photogenic people. There’s a reason why you never see me post selfies of us on social media. So I asked my amazing photographer friend to take our photos, hoping she could sprinkle some pixie dust and make us look ah-mazing.
And she totally delivered.
She told us exactly what to do, where to stand, and to turn our heads “just a little to the left” to get the most flattering angle of us. The results were perfect and I couldn’t have been happier with our experience.
She sent me a message a few days after I received the photos asking, “Hey would you be willing to write a testimonial?” Um, YES! I was so happy with my photos! Of course! But when I sat down at my computer to type out my testimonial, I froze. The writer’s block was unreal.
“What do I say?”
“Where do I start?”
So I searched “How to write a testimonial for a photographer” and did my best to write an honest testimonial that conveyed how I felt about my beautiful photos. It was so hard! #chronicoverthinker
It’s been years since I sat staring down that blank screen trying to think of a praiseworthy testimonial. When I started my own business, I knew testimonials could make or break a potential client’s decision. So I sat off of my own journey of how to make testimonial writing as easy and painless as possible.
My discovery? You have to walk them through the testimonial writing process. Your clients are usually not natural copywriters. Showing them the way to write testimonials will result in authentic and powerful client experience stories. Having a bank of killer testimonials can be a GAME CHANGER in your content marketing strategy.
You have to show your dream client that they can get the same results. That’s the power of an amazing testimonial.
First, you need to construct an effective client survey.

10 survey questions to ask your customers to get a killer testimonial
Don’t just ask for a testimonial! A survey with carefully thought out questions will help them write a testimonial that is specific and effective. Tweak these questions to be more specific to your service, product, or course. Create a questionnaire using Google Forms or I use 17Hats for all my client communications (I use it for contracts, questionnaires, invoicing, etc.). Here’s 10 questions you can ask for an effective customer survey.
Pro tip: don’t ask binary questions (yes/no, on a scale of 1-10). Open ended questions lead to richer, deeper feedback.
1. What was it like before you used our product or service?
There’s nothing better than a good before and after transformation. Asking them what their business or life was like before you showed up will help them recall the pain point and struggles they were experiencing.
2. Where did you hear about us? Or where did you start your search?
Knowing where they found you can help you with your marketing strategy. Adjust your marketing accordingly as you receive more answers.
3. Did I answer all your questions with the heart of a teacher?
Dave Ramsey says, “When getting help…you should always look for someone with the heart of a teacher, not the heart of a salesman.” I want for my clients to feel comfortable asking me questions about why I did something a certain way, or how something works. I want to be a valuable resource, not a salesman using terminology they can’t understand. I have found that this builds trust between myself and my clients, resulting in long-lasting relationships and return clients (and usually a lot of referrals!).
4. Was there any part of your experience that stood out to you in a good way?
Typically what stands out to them is something a competitor failed to do. Whether it’s your clear on-boarding experience, easy check out process, or the way you answered the phone, make note of what stood out to them. It’s a wonderful feeling knowing that you’ve exceeded your client’s expectations!
5. Was there any part of the process or your experience that you feel could be improved?
On the flip side, make note of what they weren’t impressed with. Maybe your website had issues on their mobile device, making it difficult for them to finish purchasing your product. Or maybe there was a part of the process that they found confusing or felt uncertain what was going on. Whatever it is, address the issue ASAP.
6. What big wins have you seen since using our product or service?
Whether your product or service helped them gain email subscribers, sell more products, save time, or achieve goals, these are all amazing things! And it’s likely other people want these results too! Big wins are often the greatest selling points in a powerful testimonial.
7. Do you feel like choosing our product or service has been a good investment for your business? Why or why not?
Any time someone purchases from you, they’ve invested their time and money. Make sure they feel like they’ve gotten their money’s worth from what you provided them.
8. What would you tell someone who is on the fence about purchasing our product or service?
Don’t skip this question!
If your customer had a hesitation before purchasing, it’s likely someone else does too! When someone is considering your business, testimonials are the perfect thing to calm fears or address concerns. In fact, 82% of people look at reviews before making a purchasing decision. Use the answers to this question to fix client experience roadblocks others may be facing. These answers often bring about great FAQ content!
9. Is there anything else you’d like me to know about your experience?
10. Testimonials go such a long way when people are deciding to work with me. Using your answers above, write out your testimonial. These testimonials will be used on social media and my website.
Finally, ASK FOR THE TESTIMONIAL. They’ve already laid the groundwork for an amazing testimonial by answering the questions above. All they have to do now is piece together their answers. The result is a powerful, authentic testimonial that will help you convert more leads in the clients.